
grace enough

i was reading 2 corinthians, and chapter 12 verse 9 reminded me that God's grace is sufficient because His power is made perfect in my weakness. each time i fail at life (and it seems that i've been doing that a lot lately) i hide in shame, as though i have failed a God whose grace isn't enough. i keep waiting for the time when He says, "that's it, you've had your last chance. i am tired of fixing you, and i am running out of get-out-of jail-free cards to give you. you're on your own now." 

but instead, each time that i fall because i cannot do it on my own, i learn more of God's grace. i am only now learning what this verse means. the weaker i am, and the more i fail, the more God comes to my rescue, takes me in His ever-loving arms, and fixes me. i have freedom to mess up. if i didn't it wouldn't be love. this i have always known. but i am learning something new about the character of God today. i am learning the layers of this verse. the more i am in need of grace, the more i learn of the wonders of my gracious God. and i stand speechless.



so whitney told me the other day that i am a terrible blogger.

my most recent entry was in august of last year.
so i am inclined to believe her.
for those of you who have missed me, here is a recap.
in relatively chronological order.

i turned 21.
i walked into my senior year at george fox.
i discovered how much i drive when i commute from canby.
i starting dating a wonderful guy.
i was asked to be lauren's bridesmaid.
i conducted social experiments.
i did a 144-hour preceptorship in a critical care unit.
i learned how to put chains on my truck.
i got to feel a tiny foot kick in misty's tummy.
i listened to death cab to ring in the new year.
i got an attack cat...who mostly attacks me.
i sat in a hot spring.

and now...now i am in both the beginning and the end of two beautiful stages of my life. i walked onto the george fox campus a couple weeks ago, ready to start fresh a new semester, and realized it would be the last time i did that. i am formulating resumes and searching for jobs. i am studying for state nursing boards. and i am reveling in the sweet relationships i have built over the last four years.